EbAnut is a new one here - I hadn't heard of it. After
Googling I found the page and read up / downloaded the
software. Unfortunately, I see it is not standalone, and
requires Spectrum lab to act as the audio "front end" to take
in the Received audio, downconvert to a baseband I/Q and store
that as a .WAV file. So downloaded Spectrum lab and tying to
wade through how to use that.
Could you perhaps give a short cut simple explanation of
how to set up Spectrum lab to do that - it looks to be a very
complex bit of software to drive.
the EbNaut Tx and Rx programmes, in contrast, look very
simple to use and it would be goo dto get more people using
sensitive coherent signalling such as this.
Some years ago I proposed GPS / UTC seconds locked coherent
signalling on LF, but didn't have the expertise to write the
software - and certainly not to implement strong FEC !
Andy G4JNT