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Re: LF: AM on 472kHz

To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: AM on 472kHz
From: Roger Lapthorn <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2013 19:45:27 +0000
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :content-type; bh=I2OvtpOqApfWl+4t+NcrTkJTHyZmrsjdOQXzqoTeRQ8=; b=kM+i5qYw12I3MTsLGViV9YIbt+aM/9xjQ9T3Bc4eCFKjaVkrEEjsl9dPK8Sy0LMWNN w4ZBX+EoHwnuAp0L5JRy9b/bSLj0GsQwsGR+cKkmJDT7nYFmnDSf4fugQotxGNw2TecG O9vip3VLxQL725z92h3tHPNwYk6lR7EBt9pqZQkyxa3QZslQQtxMDX+jGYscVWKrIOuZ r8BHNeS6YUxGHZTuerBAZZgaWSj8zh+i/RG5JsVkZvUrKeGRb+EDEi4QRRn+ldmtFkBI JFvalzjUxKRyZQcKFuB+CWdFEB/8tJYXuuH8vZnroP4SoIliyJcPKyQ/sKVrOVI+7e5a o4dA==
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <28CB8EF648E7418BB5C2D4802F72C23C@IBM7FFA209F07C> <> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]

Honestly, is this helpful?

I have a lot of respect for Mike and others like him, and this sort of attitude is totally uncalled for.

Roger G3XBM

On 5 January 2013 18:46, M0FMT <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Mike
We know the RSGB owns the spectrum and want to control every issue to do with it like they messed up VHF particularly 4m with their policemen making life for anyone without the £5000 pound rig advertised in the RADCOM not welcome if your centre frequency was not with a few cycles on the channel.
Your e-mail to me a while ago about my paltry 50watts on 136,  but I never complained about your 1000watts that flattened signals I wanted to listen too on the band. So why do the pigeon whole brigade, with nice neat lists that have have entry  numbers, of things that can be done and can't be done the policeman's charter that makes other peoples life a misery with "I'm alright jack" attitude and limits experimentation. These may not be of the PhD variety but are of the self training variety which is the Amateur radio licence variety.
I don't give a toss about the RSGB 's rules and I will use the spectrum within sensible limits how I want and in line with what is in my licence.
You are an RSGB policeman just like the crowd on VHF! clagging the bands with repeaters and all sorts of junk and have the cheek to complain when a real radio amateur wants to do some off the wall tests that with in the acres of empty spectrum  on VHF people who you never hear in qso suddenly come up and say you can't do that here it's what your numbered lists policies create.
 And now you are doing it on 472/9. Sorry but its bonkers you are creating clones out of radio ops who you don't want to trust with the spectrum but its not your spectrum....... and in any case things have changed in the world and I don't think people will stand for Diktat as they might have done in the passed.
So long as us amateur stay inside the band limits and our EIRPs are sensible that is all authority is expecting us to do and what else we do I don't think they care about provided its not mischievous. Also my guess is they will tolerate the odd transgression without comment unless it is taking the Mickey out of our contract (the licence).
I would say cool the Captain Blimp approach and rub along with things and they may not turn out to be as bad as you think. Alternatively some of us who are fed up with lists with numbers will migrate out of amateur bands and do our own thing like quite a few are doing, ever listened at the ends of 80m 40m 20m etc there's a parallel universe of amateurs, even though getting a licence is a doddle these days.... why?
Just get real and rub along with what people want to do, you will hardly notice a bit of AM, like the RSGB call sign isn't it GB3FUN?
And if my electric bill could stand it I would probably run a KW like you using an old Decca commercial TX with its whiskers ever looked at an SDR waterfall? My 5watts tube tx a real threat?
Mike I won't apologies for the forgoing but I don't want to fall out with anyone however it cannot be a one sided argument and Diktat and toys out the pram is not the way to go, an arm round the shoulder does more than any amount of "Laws" and lets face it no one will be hurt (unless you put you fingers in that KW PSU you use on 136?).
Best regards 73 es GL es HNY Pete M0FMT IO91UX
From: Mike Dennison <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, 5 January 2013, 17:13

Subject: LF: AM on 472kHz

Making a complete mockery of any attempt to persuade users of
different modes to coexist responsibly, an AM QSO is now going on in
the middle of the band!

I give up!

Mike, G3XDV



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