- LF: Pretests for the 630m band dipole, Stefan Schäfer
- LF: Re: Pretests for the 630m band dipole, Mike Underhill
- LF: Re: Pretests for the 630m band dipole, wolf_dl4yhf
- Re: LF: Re: Pretests for the 630m band dipole, Stefan Schäfer
- Re: LF: Re: Pretests for the 630m band dipole, wolf_dl4yhf
- Re: LF: Re: Pretests for the 630m band dipole, mal hamilton
- Re: LF: Re: Pretests for the 630m band dipole, Stefan Schäfer
- Re: LF: Re: Pretests for the 630m band dipole,
Stefan Schäfer <=
- LF: MF: 630m band dipole tests today, Stefan Schäfer
- Re: LF: MF: 600m 477kHz WSPR, Roland Bruestle
- LF: Re: MF: 630m band dipole tests today, mal hamilton
- Re: LF: MF: 630m band dipole tests today, André Guyé
- Re: LF: MF: 630m band dipole tests today, Wolfgang Büscher
- Re: LF: MF: 630m band dipole tests today, wolf_dl4yhf
- Re: LF: MF: 630m band dipole tests today, Markus Vester
- Re: LF: MF: 630m band dipole tests today, Graham
- Re: LF: MF: 630m band dipole tests today, Stefan Schäfer
- LF: DI2AE last night, f4dtl