Hello Mal! Yes, it will be great to complete our "LF/MW colection" by this QSO. But it will be still long way to do this. My signal is too poor for a QSO. Never mind, it needs to do more tests. As you know, I normaly use ID "K". I will use this one during my next transmission again. It would be super, if you see my signal. I would be pleased!
From: [email protected]To: [email protected]Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 15:56:43 +0100 Subject: LF: Re: Carrier
Hi Lubos
Having had a QSO with you on 137 and 500 khz I am looking
for you on 9 khz also to have a QSO. Let me know when you are ready and when I
get a valid ID we can try 9 khz ur end and my end 137 or 500 which ever suits
I am not QRV TX on 9 khz at present.
73 and gl de mal/g3kev
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 3:26
Subject: LF: Carrier
It had to really wonderful, Eddie!
No, this
carrier was not me. If I am going to transmit, I will let it know.
Dne 5.4.2011 11:35, qrss napsal(a):
That chimney sounds wonderful, it reminds me of some superb Top
Band signals using Works QTH chimneys for antenna support, many years
Did you run your TX last night around 20.00UTC a strong carrier
was seen here and on EU Grabbers on your frequency.
73 Eddie
On 05/04/2011 09:53, Lubos OK2BVG wrote:
Hello Stefan!
You are right, I would like to see your VLF DFCW-3 signal again ![Veselý obličej Veselý obličej]() .
As for my plans ... I will have to find out more better QTH for
transmission. There is lots of as high as my antenna hight buildings
around my QTH here. I am sure, it decrease its ERP
significantly. If I have more better TX QTH, than I will can
think about increase my power from 120W to ???W. There is old
factory near my QTH. I discussed with the director about using a
high factory chimney for my VFL purposes. I am waiting for his
answer. It is half to half.
Lubos, OK2BVG
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2011 23:11:04 +0200 From: [email protected]To: [email protected]Subject: Re:
Hello Lubos, Am
04.04.2011 19:20, schrieb Lubos OK2BVG:
I hope to see your signal soon. I built a new modification of your
VLF active antenna, so it would be the good opportunity for testing this
one. But for test purposes it is better to have a weak
signal, just above the noise ;-) But i know you are monitoring in
DFCW-3... So, what do you plan next Lubos? QRO to 500 W? This would
allow you to produce a signal visible in TF i think. And you will be
visible in even worse conds. Or your signal will be visible during the
night period which allows you to send a full callsign or such funny things
;-) Any plans? 73, Stefan
Lubos, OK2BVG
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2011 16:03:06 +0200 From: [email protected]To: [email protected]Subject: LF:
OK2BVG-DK7FC Hello Lubos, Congratulations! This is your
first clear trace on my grabber in 6000 / 424 uHz. First i thought it is
OE5ODL but there is no trace on his grabber but a strong trace on
OE3GHBs grabber. And if you are sure about the TX frequency, it must be
your signal. Very fine, 600 km ( http://no.nonsense.ee/qthmap/?qth=JN49IK&from=jn88ks
), my first OK RX contact :-) Best 73 and QRO
;-) Stefan/DK7FC PS: Maybe we can have a "K" now once
again? It is a better ID than a long dash... Am 04.04.2011 13:49,
schrieb Lubos OK2BVG:
Hello Eddie! It would be my signal. We will see, but it seems to be
promissing! The conditions are good, so I will transmit until
12:00UT. My PC is disciplined by WaG generator PS30 (10kHz). See
my signal on the Stefan�s grabber in DFCW6000 window. The
frequency is correct: 8970.034Hz My new PA 120W running on its full
power. It is doing its best :-)
Lubos, OK2BVG
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2011 11:30:17 +0100 From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject:
Re: LF: 110404_OK2BVG
Hi Lubos
I am pretty sure we have
here. I make your frequency 8.970034kHz. We will not get excited
yet :-)
stable is your signal, it seems possibly not stable enough for QRSS
60000 to help.
Continued operation after 11.00 UTC would help
73 Eddie G3ZJO
On 03/04/2011 20:32,
Lubos OK2BVG wrote:
Hello OMs!
I will be testing
my VLF PA 120W tomorrow:
Time: 07:00 UT -
11:00 UT
Antenna: Marconi L 24m up + 220m top
PA: 120W
Identification: long carrier only
FRQ: 8970.040
(+/- some few mHz :-)
I hope, the
conditions will be good :-)
Lubos, OK2BVG