Hello Roger,
Am 08.03.2011 20:51, schrieb Roger Lapthorn:
Nothing visible on my grabber
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/15047843/xbm_grab.jpg yet this evening but I
have a high noise level in the evening hours from lights, TVs
etc.Leave the TX running overnight please as I hope to see your signal
after midnight and through tomorrow morning. In the 423uHz bandwidth
and with the slow scroll speed it will be more difficult to see than
when you were sending a continuous carrier a few days ago.
Are you sure it is local QRM? Maybe its just the usual QRN that risies
strongly in the evening. It is as strong as never before within this
year now :-( And things will get even worse. We have to make QRO, faster
than nature does it ;-)
To check the local QRN/QRM situation it would be helpful (and
interesting!) to have a wideband screen from you. If you want, you could
run a second SL instance simultaneously and upload the pictures. You
know how the wideband windows looks, from grabbers like TF3HZ which is
most interesting each day :-)
Also you may arrange a real website and store it on your dropbox. There
you can include several pictures in one link, the link to the website :-)
Best 73, Stefan/DK7FC