'Free climbing' has been against the law in for
climbing masts and towers etc for years in the UK
Climbers are required to be attached at all times,
and fall arrest devices with shock adsorbers are commonly used
Hooking on to a step that is not a closed
loop is not going to keep you safe if you slip either.
Climbers are trained regulary to ensure that rescue
techniques are practiced and that no bad habits are picked up.
My climbing kit has 2 fall arrest clips and a work
position lanyard..
Yes, climbing with double lanyards slows you up, so
fall arrest 'travellers' are used with fixed anchor systesm on the mast
allowing to to climb the ladder freely whilst still attached.
These fixed fall arrest systems are found on most
masts that I climb
What the guy in the video did was not brave or
clever. Just dumb.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 8:31
Subject: LF: Ae rigger 'job' anyone
Ae rigger 'job' anyone ?