Best overnight capture of the trio in NC:
John's capture shows the three signals to be a lot closer in strength
than what I saw. CT1DRP was much stronger here, possibly due to the
latitude of the paths?
John Andrews wrote:
CT1DRP was visible during most of the overnight, until about 0800. Saw G3LDO
from 2300 until 0030, and again starting at 0445. Looks like G3AQC started
around 0540. The best screen shot of the trio was at 0630:
These can't be the ONLY three EU stations visible here! Anyone else who
wishes to try at present should focus on the 0530 - 0630 UTC period, between
137.772 and 137.775 kHz, with something that's readable on an Argo 60 second
John Andrews, W1TAG