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LF: Digital Sine Generators

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Digital Sine Generators
From: "Klaus von der Heide" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 11:08:39 +0100
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>

Hello and thanks for the replies!

As a lecturer, I never present all that can be said, and when posting the idea of a DDS basing on the Chinese Remainder Theorem, I hoped to get response. And it was my feeling, Alberto will ask, how to get the phase increment. He did it, and Zim contributed the example and a very useful link. Thanks! That is encouragement to set my priorities new. My problem is lack of time. So, what I shall do is: first try to answer your questions here directly, and second, hopefully, post something in a readable form later somewhere.

Indeed, Chapter 12 of my course material on Digital Signal Processing is "Direct Digital Synthesis". The material is completely made for interactive e-learning. It is not public domain, but for private use in the ham-radio area, I have no problem to send it on request. But it requires MATLAB (5.0 or higher, Student Edition works o.k.). You will not be able to see the text or any of the graphs and movies or hear the audio or change anything interactively without MATLAB. The Chapter 12 alone containes nearly a hundred computer pages, all in German, sorry. To press this into a stone-aged dead read-only paper is not so easy.
Now to the question of Alberto:

Let z(k) (k=1,...,n) be n different numbers that are used as length of cos/sin-tables and let p(k) be the natural phase increments within these tables. No two of the z(k) should have any factor in common. Prime numbers for p(k) are optimal for best SFDR, but not required. For shortness, we set Z = product of all z(k).
To get the p(k), two steps have to be done:

(1) Determine the p(k) for generation of the smallest possible positive frequency, the frequency step df = fs/Z (fs = sampling frequency). We denote them p1(k).

(2) Determine the p(k) for generation of frequency  f = m * df .

Let me start with the second (2). The p(k) are simply m*p1(k). But m and p1(k) possibly are large, so the angles m*p1(k) can be very large, i.e. many wrap-arounds in the table of length z(k) plus a remainder. We therefore only take the remainder:

p(k) = remainder of division ( m*p1(k) / z(k) )

Example:   n=3;  z(1)=29;  z(2)=83;  z(3)=599;  Z=1441793;
               p1(1)=8;  p1(2)=45; p1(3)=109;
          fs = 11025 Hz;   df = 11025/1441793 = 0.007647 Hz
           f = 800 Hz;      m = round(f/df) = 104620;
          p(1)= remainder of division  (  8 * 104620) / 29  =  20
          p(2)= remainder of division  ( 45 * 104620) / 83  =  57
          p(3)= remainder of division  (109 * 104620) /599  = 417

Proof: The three individual tables yield with the computed increment the frequencies fs*20/29=7603.4; fs*57/83=7571.4; fs*417/599=7675.2 Hz The sum of them modulo the sampling frequency fs is 800.000763 Hz. Because the signals are complex (cos + i*sin) there is no alias or mirror within the frequency interval 0 ... fs. The computation (1) of the p1(k) is not so easy, but it has to be done only once. The table k with the increment p1(k) yields the relative frequency f1(k)/fs = p(k)/z(k). The product of all complex (cos + i*sin)-waves gives the sum of all these frequencies. This sum must be equal to the relative frequency step df/fs = 1/Z. Multiplying the resulting equation by Z yields

remainder of ( sum of all Z*p1(k)/z(k) ) / Z ) = 1 This is an equation that is to be solved with natural numbers p1(k). Equations of this type are called diophantine after Diophantos from Alexandria. Zim found the link to a mathematical discussion of this problem by E.L. Lady. I made a simple MATLAB-function that solves the problem. It is available on request.

And here the answer to John, G4CNN

My post surely was a bit cryptic and misunderstanding was probable. Indeed, the frequency is divided in steps of fs/29 by the first generator. But the others are in parallel, and not serial. So they generate fs/83 and fs/599 as their frequency steps, not a finer and finer division of the first. Therefore the Chinese Remainder Theorem is required, but you are right, prime numbers are not necessary.

Sorry for the cryptic assembly program. It performs the two complex multiplications and additions per otput sample and in parrallel the 6 table look ups, the 3 phase increments, and the write into an output buffer with auto-increment of its address. It is fascinating for me to see all the many parts of the old DSP-architecture 100% busy in every clock cycle, such that this processor can generate sin and cos up to an output frequency of 2.5 MHz with a processor clock of 40 MHz.

Now the question of Zim

<In the special case where the increment value is a power of two <(1,2,4,8,16,etc), the DDS steps land exactly on the minima and <maxima of the wave (eg includes counts of 0, 64, 128, 193, 256). <At all other frequencies the samples miss the min/max/zero and <thus the output contains some jitter (unless considerable "Q" is <available to act as a Flywheel).

That depends on the initial phase which can be any number 0 ... 255.

<The above is (I think) the Address Quantitisation which Klaus <mentions.

No. In your case (and in that I posted) we use a phase accumulator that is used as address into a table without cutting away lower bits as it must be done in conventional DDS design in order to obtain both, small frequency step and resonably small table.

In your as in my case there is definitely no phase jitter. The SFDR only is produced by the quantization of the cos/sin-values in the table and by the arithmetic. And here is the advantage of primes for table lengths: with any phase step the table is stepped through all values of the table thereby averaging the effect of quantization. (As an exercise design a DDS that requires less than 1k memory for fs = 44100 Hz and df = 1.000000 Hz)

73 de Klaus, DJ5HG

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