The parallel port would enable simple hardware to allow a crude D/A
converter for driving a VCXO, but isn't the LPT port difficult to drive
under Windoze programming ? The COM port is much easier and I suggest you do
both to enable someone to use a UART or shift register for times when the
LPT is not available.
What coding are you going to use - ie. the code table and timings, - then I
can write something for driving my DDS board.
Andy G4JNT
-----Original Message-----
From: Alberto di Bene [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 18 December 2001 11:42
To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Re: long haul QSO's
James Moritz wrote:
-Simple TX hardware; The 7 tone multi-FSK signal could be generated using
VCXO circuit keyed by an extremely simple interface from an 8 bit printer
port; for example, an extension of G3AQC's DFCW generator.
Hello James and the group,
what you all think about the best method of generating multiple,
frequencies from an LF transmitter? The parallel port method, just suggested
Jim Moritz, or a sine signal generated by the sound card ? Or maybe another,
simpler, method ? Just asking, as you all have much greater experience than
I have on putting together an LF TX. Thanks for any reply.
73 Alberto I2PHD
P.S. Which is more correct in English : "thanks for any reply" or "thanks
any replies" ?? The two forms seem to be both used...
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