successfully deleted it. Since you
are in my address book, you may like to do the same.
1. Go to 'start' - then to 'find' or
'search' depending on your computer.
2. In the 'search for files or folders'
type in sulfnbk.exe - this is the virus.
3. In the 'look in' make sure you are
searching Drive C.
4. Hit 'search' button or
5. If this file shows up (it is an ugly
blackish icon that will have the name 'sulfnbk.exe') - DO NOT OPEN
6. RIGHT click on the file - go to
'Delete' and LEFT click.
7. It will ask whether you wish
to send it to the recycle bin, say 'Yes'.
8. Go to Windows Explorer or wherever you display
your Recycle Bin
and double click on it.
9 .RIGHT click on 'sulfnbk.exe' and
delete again or empty the bin. If you
do find it, send this email to all in your address book, because that is
how it is transferred. Sorry about