What radio amateur is going to go to all this trouble for an occasionl QSO. Probably not many. But in order to gain hands-on experience in aspects of the radio art? Perhaps quite a few! That is one o
<< both these are wrong. Go and get a scope and have a look. >> Larry, I have done. My statement was based on having checked it personally on a number of Bell and non-Bell exchanges over the years. A
I don't know how it is in Canada, but in the States, the 20Hz component is the only ringing voltage sent across the line to the telephone set, which can readily be confirmed by sticking a blocking ca
<< The band is jammed with stations this side ... >> Especially impressive, as I am told there are only seven active hams on the band... (grin) 73, John KD4IDY
This being a topic likely to hold very little interest for our EU and NZ friends because it is so intimately tied to US regulations, I'll spare the bandwidth here myself, and respond later today on t
<< I have decided to add an extra space after each 7FSK pair. This does slow down the mode by a third, but it allows easier synchronization for the RX as well as QSK to watch between characters on th
<< The newer versions of Outlook / IE respond to just the www prefix so both links in your example below work fine for me. >> And some of us are using e-mail clients that don't treat anything as a li
<< Note also that the email address of the sender is prefixed by an underscore _ so that [email protected] appears as [email protected]. Possibly one could set up a filter using this.
<< Another way to control the output power is to vary the phase of the driving signal to one of the sides of a full bridge amp'. Some kind of variable delay / phase shifter would do the trick. If the
I know that I can illuminate(to some extent) a light bulb by connecting it to the hot side of the mains and grounding it to the earth indicating that there can be significant current flow in the eart
<< So in summary, I believe that extending LF DX achievements will be best served by developing a BPSK or DBPSK scheme. >> Interesting that we appear to be coming full-circle to what LowFERs in the S
<< And, is the unipole/monopole nondirectional or omnidirectional? >> I'd be more concerned whether the loading coil is wound on a form labelled flammable or inflammable. John KD4IDY
<< A lot of the variations on symbols for units seem to be due to computers; for instance, most CAD and simulation software can't do Greek letters and is not case-sensitive. The Pspice simulator that
<< Interesting point, Jim. I suspect most of that has to do with the computer programmer's personal preferences, however, rather than any limitations of the computers themselves. >> Except for the pa
<< Here are my questions. 1) Does this "high impedance antenna?" suffer from the same problems as a high "Q" vertical such as absorption from trees, ground etc? So that removing it from this environm
Thanks, Dick, for passing along those links to the group. I knew of Dr. Hell's work through my early background in the printing industry, but for some reason I never suspected that he was the same pe
But Bill--that's half the fun of using the archery method! (grin) You know, we could be in for a big bow-and-arrow versus catapult controversy here. It would be like having to choose whether one is
<< Netscapeonline is going QRT soon, it appears AOL is taking over. I have changed to VIRGIN and it seems to work well so far. >> I hate to tell you this, Mal, but AOL has owned Netscape for years. N
<< USA on fire. Started by a 47.4 amp spark exciting a LOOP coupled to a FOREST >> Aw shucks, as they say down in Texas, we've already got more sources of ignition in the States than you can shake a
<< So, it appears that all I am doing, when power limited like this, is to spread out the 1KW power loss over a larger portion of the back woods! But at least it's doable. Comments, please. >> Do-abl