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Re: LF: Re: LF EbNaut tonite

Subject: Re: LF: Re: LF EbNaut tonite
From: DK7FC <>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2018 20:44:07 +0100
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;; s=2017; t=1542051849; bh=tK/Q/7foTY2ZLrvURZCIuqf0KfAcxgoTFhj1DrJ54nM=; h=Date:From:To:Subject:From; b=CVyMzkUZj9oGwIkEVHSiOCXnQifzJG/eotNmtiFCD/RhuewlDGFXfuPiUEXF4uqa6 tC+Nmw6cqxyxBbneZ59Qs6R1MdT9Id3RVs5p0W0G/UDxBa6ljTlRmgfIX5xg/x0IXU /HTLnmpGETQSlIzp8u59nUf7/i4gL2ca8EvGzafp/xbfoyC2xv9RpeTw6Mf7FVHnHm mWCquTGjvN8g7kXRP1yCZLO2vrjwKW9/dBz2lPGNiM4Ma83XagQzKHgZCTrIrYPxDL mqeyFLrATvufrlIAKy7qlNPE+np4krhVNae6F5dQqo8j7wWfWGn8tll7nrIIDsjZZo YJw0u7pfBg6KQ==
In-reply-to: <0B79F81E329D4776B77EB8F1165ED920@Rob64PC>
References: <> <> <1UQdmM51gp.72JLQAKj0yF@optiplex980-pc> <0B79F81E329D4776B77EB8F1165ED920@Rob64PC>
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; de; rv: Gecko/20100227 Thunderbird/3.0.3

Another opportunity tonite:

f = 137.620 kHz
Start time: 12.NOV.2018  20:00 UTC (hourly, until including 6 UTC)
Symbol period: 1 s
Characters: 20
CRC bits:
Coding 8K19A
Antenna current: 4 A
Duration: 20:32 [mm:ss]

Markus, do you like to join? We could try a QSO with these settings.

Note the different TX frequency. It is outside the WSPR-2 band, but not to far.
Unfortunately i cannot tune the resonance frequency because my coil does not have a variometer coil at the moment. So i need to stay in that range. 137.62 is just the resonance spot right now.

73, Stefan

Am 12.11.2018 13:52, schrieb Rob Renoud:
Jay and Stefan,
I attempted my first over the air EbNaut decodes last night using two separate receive systems.  All appeared well but find that both instances of SL did not save the entire wave file for each receive period but truncated it to about 165K.  Will play with that today as have not experienced that in previous end-to-end sessions in the shack.
Well done and thanks for putting the EbNaut signal on the air, Stefan.  Thanks for posting yours, Jay, as it confirms I should have been able to copy all.  Look forward to another opportunity.
Rob - K3RWR
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2018 1:34 AM
Subject: Re: LF: LF EbNaut tonite
Copy of your message below. The message is not blacked out since it was already available on Marcus's automated decoder. Nice to see rank 0. Will be looking for Marcus next!
Jay W1VD
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 11/11/2018 2:01:37 PM
Subject: Re: LF: LF EbNaut tonite

PS: The message is transmitted from a SpecLab instance. So you need to consider the +0.3 second time offset, which is relevant at that symbol length. Furthermore there is some uncertainty if the transmission starts at the exact second. It could happen that it starts 1 second to late. We will see what happens.

73, Stefan

Am 11.11.2018 18:38, schrieb DK7FC:
Hi LF,

I'd like to try some EbNaut transmissions tonite. Maybe someone is some distance is interested to detect them?

Here is the program:

f = 137.465 kHz
Start time: 11.NOV.2018  19:00 UTC (hourly, until including 7 UTC)
Symbol period: 1 s
Characters: 21
CRC bits:
Coding 8K19A
Antenna current: 4 A
Duration: 21:20 [mm:ss]

Reports welcome.

73, Stefan
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