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Re: LF: Re[2]: LF: VLF NA Ebnaut

Subject: Re: LF: Re[2]: LF: VLF NA Ebnaut
From: Markus Vester <>
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2017 11:50:07 -0500
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20150623; t=1514479809; bh=Beu81wcWgEfiKv4H8ZSVrhrq1JoRofvk8DCEh1FSZwg=; h=From:To:Subject:Message-Id:Date:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=g1H4pjoO5Ruybu4PcqS7Gmfaq0ug43YM9oUqkNWIsUgxYD0/CSCXIiYJZzvEjfTaG +ZMSjW6n5BpeU3+/8txHtKdXpj5cxydosL/dsqEEKQ1XwVtvN1rjoKMvbol5FzQYBm xN2vIYDtKkG6wq9GkVfKTkDJvu0hCFzladRrPLEE=
In-reply-to: <>
Big CONGRATULATIONS to Alex and Joe!

I'm glad to announce that the one-character EbNaut transmission from VO1NA has also been decoded from the cardioid antenna at DL0AO (near Amberg, JN59VK). The correct decode "S" first prevailed in a single-night recording from Dec 23/24, and finally became absolutely unambiguous after stacking four out of seven nights with equal gain and phase.

Correlations for single nights:
 Eb/N0 phase night
  dB   deg   Dec 2017

 -5.5 -54.3  21/22
 -4.8  -8.5   22/23
 -0.5  -6.5   23/24  (decoded "S")
-20.6 150.3  24/25 (only noise)
-10.7  32.1   25/26 (only noise)
 -2.5 -26.5   26/27
 -4.4  10.8   27/28

Two nights stacked:
 +0.6  -7.3  22/23 + 23/24
 -0.8   -9.5  26/27 + 27/28

Four nights stacked:
 +2.8  -8.4  22/23 + 23/24 + 26/27 + 27/28

Thanks to Joe for sending consistent repeats, to Bernd and Tom for setting up the VLF receivers at DL0AO, and of course to Paul and Wolf for making all this possible in the first place.

Best 73,

-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
Von: Alex K <>
An: rsgb_lf_group <>; jcraig <>; Paul Nicholson <>
Verschickt: Do, 28. Dez 2017 16:52
Betreff: LF: Re[2]: LF: VLF NA Ebnaut

Hello Joe, Paul, VLF!
It is not easy to believe but I can try now to say:
looks like I have decode of VO1NA 1-char message: "S"!

(But may be it is false decode? :-/ )

So this decode taked from individual files of 24 Dec and 26 Dec transmissions and also from stacking procedure of all seven files without any other false decodes.

Stacking of 24Dec and 26Dec with phase shift 60 deg give me strongest decode with rank 0:

ebnaut-rx V0.7a
input file C:\EbNaut\VLF_EBNAUT\VO1NA-dec2017\sum.wav
sample rate 0.342935 per second
rx frequency 8270.1
file start time 2017-12-26 20:32:18.390
polynomial 16K21A
crc size 8
number of chars 1
block size 14
symbol period 60.000
number of symbols 544
list length 2000
start offset 1672.000
freq offset -0.092500
cores 1
skipped 1670.870573 seconds to start
initial reference phase 48.3
found S
list rank 0
reference phase 0 0 0 0
carrier S/N 12.20 dB in 30.6 uHz, -32.94 dB in 1Hz, -66.92 dB in 2.5kHz
carrier Es/N0 -15.16 dB
carrier Eb/N0 4.64 dB
info bit period 5726.32 seconds
symbol error rate 209/544 = 38.419 %
Es/N0 from symbol errors -13.6 dB
Eb/N0 from symbol errors 6.2 dB
Shannon capacity 2.6 bits/hour
Shannon efficiency 24.2 %
symbols file C:\EbNaut\VLF_EBNAUT\VO1NA-dec2017\sum-symbols.csv
elapsed 7 seconds
found S
list rank 0
reference phase 30 30 0 0
carrier S/N 12.62 dB in 30.6 uHz, -32.52 dB in 1Hz, -66.49 dB in 2.5kHz
carrier Es/N0 -14.73 dB
carrier Eb/N0 5.06 dB
info bit period 5726.32 seconds
symbol error rate 214/544 = 39.338 %
Es/N0 from symbol errors -14.3 dB
Eb/N0 from symbol errors 5.5 dB
Shannon capacity 2.9 bits/hour
Shannon efficiency 22.0 %
symbols file C:\EbNaut\VLF_EBNAUT\VO1NA-dec2017\sum-symbols.csv
elapsed 78 seconds
found S
list rank 0
reference phase 0 0 -30 -30
carrier S/N 12.62 dB in 30.6 uHz, -32.52 dB in 1Hz, -66.49 dB in 2.5kHz
carrier Es/N0 -14.73 dB
carrier Eb/N0 5.06 dB
info bit period 5726.32 seconds
symbol error rate 208/544 = 38.235 %
Es/N0 from symbol errors -13.4 dB
Eb/N0 from symbol errors 6.4 dB
Shannon capacity 2.9 bits/hour
Shannon efficiency 22.0 %
symbols file C:\EbNaut\VLF_EBNAUT\VO1NA-dec2017\sum-symbols.csv
elapsed 102 seconds
found S
list rank 0
reference phase 30 0 0 -30
carrier S/N 12.93 dB in 30.6 uHz, -32.21 dB in 1Hz, -66.19 dB in 2.5kHz
carrier Es/N0 -14.42 dB
carrier Eb/N0 5.37 dB
info bit period 5726.32 seconds
symbol error rate 208/544 = 38.235 %
Es/N0 from symbol errors -13.4 dB
Eb/N0 from symbol errors 6.4 dB
Shannon capacity 3.1 bits/hour
Shannon efficiency 20.5 %
symbols file C:\EbNaut\VLF_EBNAUT\VO1NA-dec2017\sum-symbols.csv
elapsed 318 seconds

All files for reprocessing are here: 

73 de rn3aus/Alex

Attachment: 8k27W_12240249-log.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: 8k27W_sum_22 23 26 27-log.txt
Description: Text document

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