To: | [email protected] |
Subject: | Re: VLF: First VLF detection DL > EA |
From: | Markus Vester <[email protected]> |
Date: | Wed, 6 Dec 2017 12:05:35 -0500 |
Dkim-signature: | v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20150623; t=1512579939; bh=6auaX5XYFPf+8a0/Z+ZQL3SEdXc5SkUmAXl4EXRMrWY=; h=From:To:Subject:Message-Id:Date:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=PVBI94AW5zZKp0VHMUGS6YyB35wMt0DoRlzXZy+j3DjS2+IGyx7F5QZV2nP7NoZpL EZBV4FQ3ssQFXUPy4JcOvqTWWnCY6Hl2kHpOqv/LjyDWXVe7tk1QBTS8KKldjNWm5e BnwnL56dPiROp/gQL7GwSRkuWH0MjCvbLHc2WUfQ= |
In-reply-to: | <[email protected]> |
Reply-to: | [email protected] |
Sender: | [email protected] |
Good decode of a friendly Italian four-letter word, 21.0 dB carrier Eb/N0 and flat phase in Nuernberg. All the best Markus -----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung----- Von: DK7FC <[email protected]> An: rsgb_lf_group <[email protected]> Verschickt: Di, 5. Dez 2017 22:41 Betreff: Re: VLF: First VLF detection DL > EA
Hello Riccardo,
My congrats to your first VLF message decode! I confirm the message is correct. You see now that VLF reception is possible from your QTH and you just need to get less noise on 8270 Hz maybe. But the system and frequency+phase stability is there! This weekend there may be a chance to pick up something on 8270... The night is already a few hours old, so let's try just 4 characters: f = 17470.1000 Hz Start time: 05.Dec.2017 21:40:00 UTC Symbol period: 30 s Characters: 4 CRC bits: 16 Coding 16K21A Duration: 08:00 [hh:mm] Antenna current: 1 A 73, Stefan Am 05.12.2017 19:43, schrieb Riccardo Zoli: Hi Stefan, Luis, Paul, VLF this is my decode (the first in VLF). Very strong here, despite noisy reception. Stefan, please could you try to send a faster message after sunset, when SNR of your carrier is much better? I made some tests whith EbNaut decoder: " ****** " message appear on your carrier with 2 or 3 sec./sym (with a few +dBs of Eb/N0). All the best 73 de Riccardo IW4DXW 2017-12-04 21:49 GMT+00:00 DK7FC <[email protected]>:Hi VLF, Tomorrow i'm going to gtry to pass a first EbNaut message over to EA5DOM. Here are the details: f = 17470.1000 Hz Start time: 05.Dec.2017 07:00:00 UTC Symbol period: 120 s Characters: 1 CRC bits: 6 Coding 8K19A Duration: 08:00 [hh:mm] Antenna current: 1 A 73, Stefan
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