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Re: LF: EbNaut test

To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: EbNaut test
From: Domenico IZ7SLZ <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2017 14:59:22 +0200
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:from:date:message-id:subject:to; bh=mESDORAMeRiMe1E0sG9cmvf3tf0mWmqCCCjoNoi2Ni0=; b=iskhjMhOur0I+3JbJU8q0O9mJnxVXv7MC7+Sa4snCZS3QuJZtyIs65VvdyXvuMf1pn jubmGf+DEuO9euMDaHCEn6RYR7dMEymBHMMiEL0dBKHMiBAJOE6m4EBPhmRrOpuWT0wI lM+6juTU7VFeprf30OKEeoVHzvWlr4TiMySG0fpDu0XmdGh14N1GgRTXk6luK7vM09Q9 S4YFHoqfARGOFC5Yo2QVGxrgJiu8FMiSTB3oMFMivc95ZjMq5vC1pxfz8yaUcwHhQLpl heuL7AXknr1nqj5XleEOjqflzrYI6dxJC+Nj+/1h3hXp1W9eWkPPHwqEdFtqqUzq4OwB v9qA==
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Hi Stefan, LF

 as i suspected, i found my linux-pc storage hard disk full. A new 1 TB HD is now in order.
So unfortunatly i can't give you an EbNaut report obtained using full vlfrx-tools programs.

OPDS SL session has recordered a file witch covers your 16:30 EbNaut transmission. I got a nice decode using almost the same offsets found by Markus DF6NM.
I have tried to use also linux ebnaut,  after converting the wave file with following shell script:
sox 06181637.wav  -t dat  -|         
sed '/;/d' |
ebnaut -v -dp4K19A -F29.9966 -N10 -S1 -r111.11111 -c2 -L200000 -PS -v -T724.5  # |tee dk7fc.txt

But it gives,  of course, almost the same results.

At the link   i have uploaded FFT raw and wave files, in case someone wants to try the decoding.

So Stefan, congratulations for your first LF-Ebnaut transmission. Can you tell us how did you generate the signal ?

There is a very easy and cheap method actually in use by Riccardo IW4DXW  and Tony IK1HGI  for generating a coherent carrier for EbNaut.Congrats to Riccardo for this nice idea.
They are using directly the timing pulse TP5 output of the neo-8 GPS . In fact this timing  port (TP5) can be reprogrammed up to 5 MHz.
The BPSK modulator consist of an XOR port in between the GPS TP5 output and the PA driver. Cool !

73 Domenico, IZ7SLZ


On 18 June 2017 at 23:44, DK7FC <[email protected]> wrote:
Thanks Markus, nice. We could exchange 1000 characters in 2 minutes, if the Eb/N0 calculation is correct :-)
Maybe i will try another one with Domenico when he is back. And is RN3AUS reading this email?
Is someone else interested in an LF EnNaut test, if the equipment is available,maybe W1TAG?

73, Stefan

Am 18.06.2017 22:07, schrieb Markus Vester:
Hi Stefan,

a fine and error-free decode, best with 0.3 s extra delay. A phase glitch occured here near the middle, presumably on the receive side.

Best 73,

-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
Von: DK7FC <[email protected]>
An: rsgb_lf_group <[email protected]>
Verschickt: So, 18. Jun 2017 18:35
Betreff: Re: LF: EbNaut test

PS: This time 100 Hz higher

Am 18.06.2017 18:28, schrieb DK7FC:
Hello Markus,

Oh, you are right. Same message on 16:30 utc. ..
I hope it works...

73, Stefan

Am 18.06.2017 16:56, schrieb Markus Vester:
Hi Stefan,

I'd like to try. But the QRG 137.43 kHz was below my opds capture range (137.45 to 137.55 kHz).

73, Markus

-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
Von: DK7FC <[email protected]>
An: rsgb_lf_group <[email protected]>
Verschickt: So, 18. Jun 2017 16:47
Betreff: LF: EbNaut test

Hi LFers,

My first EbNaut message is running at the moment. Not sure if the timing
and keying is OK. Could someone check if it can be decoded? Don't make a
secret out of the message.

Parameters: 4K19A, 1sec, 10 char, CRC16, Start:14:36 UTC (maybe there is
a timing offset between +-1 sec? pse report).

73, Stefan

Attachment: dk7fc ebnaut 2017-06-18 1630Z.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: Screenshot 2017-06-19 13.01.46.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: Screenshot from 2017-06-19 13_03_53.png
Description: PNG image

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