Something went wrong, the PSK stopped at 15:40 UTC. That's just 86.6%
of the total time, -0.63 dB. The symbol rate is correct. The txt file
contains 10048 symbols, which is correct. There are no scheduled
actions which may have lead to the stopping. So the reason remains
unknown it seems.
At least from here it looked like a quiet day, relative to the weekend.
So there is still some chance for a decode, i hope...
Now it's up to you Paul!
73, Stefan
Am 24.04.2017 17:00, schrieb DK7FC:
f = 6470.100000 Hz
Start time: 25.Apr.2017 06:00:00
Symbol period: 4 s
Characters: 100
CRC bits: 8
Coding 16K21A
Duration: 11h, 09m, 52s
Antenna current: 460 mA
SpecLab can run the periodic actions in integer seconds only...
SNR may be quite close to the limit.
73, Stefan
Am 24.04.2017 16:54, schrieb DK7FC:
Hello Paul,
A new week where we can push the limits! :-)
Well, let's try that: