Thanks Marcus Stefan and Jacek
Thanks for the info, I consulted Wolf on the SpecLab Group, he had not
heard of the problem. However now I have raised the subject ZL2IK has
said he has had the same problem on Windows10 with just 2 instances,
cured by reverting to v2.90 b20.
These dang puters have so many variables. Sooner or later man has got to
decide to stop the silly computer road we are thundering down and start
again, I have been saying that for 20 years.
I will try v.290 b20 I just hope the GPS and EbNaut will work OK.
73 Eddie
On 07/03/2017 20:58, Jacek Lipkowski wrote:
On Tue, 7 Mar 2017, Markus Vester wrote:
But I do find that Windows10 is not quite kosher regarding continuous
operation. I'm running the slow VLF stuff on a convertible laptop
under Win10 Home. Within a week or so after a restart, memory usage
gradually creeps up from ~ 45 % to 85+%. At that stage, the PC
becomes practically inoperable and needs to be rebooted.
you can also run speclab under wine under linux. last time i've used
it for a longer period it was stable for months. this also makes
scripting much easier, because you have all of the power of unix under
your command.