I have just resumed monitoring 135 to 198 kHz and have noticed a fairly strong
broad and constant signal on about 145 kHz which was not there last winter. It
sounds rather like LORAN A (not C) but without the selective fading effects we
used to get on 1.9 MHz. It appears to come from either north-east or south-west
of my location in central Burgundy, but I have not yet managed to get a cross
John F5VLF
> On 26 Nov 2016, at 11:17, Chris Wilson <chris@chriswilson.tv> wrote:
> 26 November 2016
> I have been monitoring my noise on my receivers and the big issue is a
> constant, day and night, high level noise centred exactly on 144 kHz.
> Is this a frequency that is familiar to anyone? Googling it has only
> brought up comments of some 20kHz solar inverters talking to their
> control panels down the mains wiring at 144 kHz, with some chatter
> about inverters going noisy and blanking out their own talk back
> frequency.
> My next door but one neighbour has solar panels on his stable roof,
> but I don't THINK they have an accumulator bank, they just feed back
> into the national grid. we don't really get on too well so I am loathe
> to approach them unless I can be sure the noise is from there.
> There's also a huge, multi acre solar farm opened about 5 miles away.
> I would imagine some old geezer with noise near his beloved LF Ham
> band frequency would have little impact on its operation, so i hope
> it's not tat. Any ideas on what uses 144 kHz, and how to locate the
> source?
> Here's a screen shot of it as it is at the moment, but it doesn't
> change, day or night, and its amplitiude stays pretty constant, no
> turning on and off I have ever seen. My RX is on my TX aerial at the
> moment.
> http://www.chriswilson.tv/noise.jpg
> Thanks
> --
> Best regards,
> Chris 2E0ILY mailto:chris@chriswilson.tv
> My part time LF grabber is at
> http://www.chriswilson.tv/grabber.html