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Re: LF: EA5DOM LF tests

Subject: Re: LF: EA5DOM LF tests
From: DK7FC <>
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2016 11:20:56 +0200
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; de; rv: Gecko/20100227 Thunderbird/3.0.3
Hi Luis,

Oh yes, very nice!

DK7FC JN49IK Opera-32 correlation

   date      time   call   distance  frequency bandwidth  snr    correlation

2016-09-07 04:35:08 EA5DOM  1398km 137519.960Hz  97mHz -37.7dBOp 100% 20.2dB
2016-09-07 03:35:08 EA5DOM  1398km 137519.910Hz 112mHz -48.5dBOp 100% 19.8dB
2016-09-07 02:35:09 EA5DOM  1398km 137519.928Hz  75mHz -42.0dBOp  46% 16.6dB
2016-09-07 01:35:07 EA5DOM  1398km 137519.926Hz  71mHz -99.9dBOp  77% 16.6dB

Somehow the bandwidth values are quite high. Normally it is arround < 10 mHz. Anyway, a nice result.

Do you like to try some QRSS-60 arround 136.172 +-3 Hz ? It's a long time ago that signals were seen there. I guess there are a few people who would watch for you.

73, Stefan

PS: My small LF coil is already here again. Some tests may happen soon. But there are a lot of open projects...

Am 07.09.2016 09:12, schrieb VIGILANT Luis Fernández:


Last night was 5w !!! :-0
Testing an audio amplifier with dissapointing performances

Very interesting spots :-)

73 de Luis

El 7 sept. 2016 2:18 a. m., Graham <> escribió:
100 mW  to  Ae ?  to too  much power  ,  still  3 db left  !
73-G, )

23:39 136 EA5DOM de G3XDV Op32 Deep Search 915 mi -42 dB in Welwyn 1520.0 Hz with 0.1w + MiniWhip

23:35 136 EA5DOM de EA5DOM Op32 0 mi -1 dB F:2% in Albir - QRP Test 1519,6 Hz with 0.1w + MiniWhip

23:35 136 EA5DOM de EB3FRN Op32 185 mi -35 dB F:7% in Montbrio 1519,9 Hz with 0.1w + MiniWhip


Sent: Monday, September 05, 2016 11:00 AM
Subject: RE: LF: EA5DOM LF tests

Yes Markus. Signal must be following some Ryanair path bouncing from plane to plane :-)
Since last night U3 transmits continously frame after frame. No stop to GPS calibration
So may be the increase in decodes this night is due to a better phase coherence
73 de Luis

De: [] En nombre de Markus Vester
Enviado el: lunes, 05 de septiembre de 2016 11:12
Asunto: Re: LF: EA5DOM LF tests

Olá Luis,

one more detection yesterday and three this morning - we seem to have a private LF duct between us ;-)

73, Markus (DF6NM)

-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
Von: VIGILANT Luis Fernández <>
An: rsgb_lf_group <>
Verschickt: Do, 1 Sept 2016 2:21 pm
Betreff: RE: LF: EA5DOM LF tests

Thank you for the phase info Markus
Can recall that the first tests last spring with same power and U3 were phase coherent
But my U3 suffered a hard reset and turned back to factory default parameters, so probably the park function
makes the difference. Will set it and test tonight
The other difference with previous test is that I'm not transmitting continously. Only one frame every hour
starting at minute 45
Thank you Stefan. The variometer in L1 is at minimum. So it is easy to add a bit more inductance
Will be better to add a bit more power soon and see if we can go for QSO ;-)
73 de Luis

De: [] En nombre de Markus Vester
Enviado el: jueves, 01 de septiembre de 2016 12:50
Asunto: Re: LF: EA5DOM LF tests

Thanks a lot for the transmission, and the report on the report ;-) Nice setup indeed on top of your roof!

I believe that the U3 by default does not preserve phase between dashes (possibly depending on a "park mode" setting but I'm not sure). If  you could make the transmission coherent the opds correlator might gain another 3 to 4 dB sensitivity.

All the best,

-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
Von: VIGILANT Luis Fernández <>
An: rsgb_lf_group <>
Verschickt: Do, 1 Sept 2016 11:10 am
Betreff: LF: EA5DOM LF tests

Last night the LF coils were connected and started to transmit Op32 with just the 100mW from U3
So far, an Op32 correlation decode from Markus. Nice Rx Markus ! :-)
Who's next ?? ;-)
2016-09-01 04:18:19 EA5DOM  1500km 137519.968Hz  28mHz -42.5dBOp  93% 15.5dB
I have tested the effect of the Ultrabeam dynamic antenna I use as a support pole while
working as variable capacitor. I can get the resonance 15KHz down by extending fully the internal
metallic element of the vertical antenna. A great aid for remote tunning from shack
73 de Luis

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