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Re: LF: Is this frequency locking enough for EbNaut? [ISDR kits]

To: <>
Subject: Re: LF: Is this frequency locking enough for EbNaut? [ISDR kits]
From: "G3WCB" <>
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2015 19:34:41 -0000
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=btcpcloud; t=1449430529; bh=oAE668lDJFzuOm+8C8kzLCArN/PCyA9m29x8zSkWu+g=; h=Message-ID:Reply-To:From:To:References:Subject:Date:MIME-Version:X-Mailer; b=jsHuwepDNr6VYOVFAM3DoFfSjxi/d+g6iz7HHmboh7zTW60WIIdOoXxsPt3BxV9rebzZLZSEYjli+4yO1RDBSp4OaA80Ayayyaj0n8a03FLDCnniHhzLw8y1vzLi7DYMpwcpF2r5YLfxhymoBqUpU/QoseyOm6NU1Tzrk74c1AY=
References: <> <> <> <>
Did anyone notice that ICAS also appear to have a 136 kHz grabber running in Tokyo?

ICAS also offer a 136 kHz SDR, which looks like a Softrock Lite clone, but using DIL ICs and not surface mount components.
73, Dave

----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul Nicholson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2015 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Is this frequency locking enough for EbNaut?

Chris wrote:

> the  590  has a built in USB sound card

Ideal if its conversion clock is derived from the XRef
board.   No good if it has its own xtal though.

Digressing a bit...


How do you get on with that one, does it work ok?

I've been thinking about making up something like that but
it would be quicker and easier just to order three of those.

The LO is a bit close, wonder what the image rejection is like.
I'd want to use 120kHz or lower but there's loran on the
other side.  Maybe a high side LO is better.

Are there other suggestions for a simple rx for LF?

Paul Nicholson

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