Hi Roelof,
a lot of traffic on 630m

73 Joe
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: owner-[email protected]
[mailto:owner-[email protected]]
Im Auftrag von [email protected]
Gesendet: Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015 21:24
An: Martin Evans; [email protected]
Betreff: Re: LF: WSPR-X
Hello Martin,
I have never tried WSPR-X. The manual states:
>>> The recommended WSPR-15 sub-band is a 25 Hz slice just
above the
200-Hz WSPR-2 sub-band, i.e., 1600-1625 Hz above the standard dial
frequency on each band. This will be handled automatically if you
set up WSPR-X in the normal way. <<<
I do not see any signal in that range.
Are you sure someone is actually using this mode at the moment?
Roelof, PAoRDT