Tnx John
The over drive option has a flaw ,as far as I can
see , as to where the frequency
spacing of the side bands originates , yes,
psk31 , over driven produce's IMD but wspr is
a single phase cont tone system
do you see this pattern from your SDR
Tnx- G,
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2015 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: LF: what causes this on wspr
Two real options:
1) over driven audio, as your picture caption suggests
2) the rx site is close to the
TX station and is overloading the receiver. I have a remote Ensemble II LF
SDR at a site 1 mile away from my TX and I overload it like this regularly but
its not because I'm over-driving my system. The signal is simply to strong
for that distance and the receiver is in an overload condition.
what causes this on wspr
This takes some doing ...... but how
to do it ?