It is certainly a good
antenna to hang
out the laundry...:-))
73, Fausto IK4NMF
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 2:05
Subject: LF: Fw: De F6CNI : WSPR Test
using mobile on MF to night.
Hello Markus.
am sad about my experiment, only one station copied my very loud signal last
night : F5WK at 72 km. Perhaps a 2 meters whip is a bit too short ?
For a next experiment, F6GEX just give me an other
mobile antenna shape idea. Intesresting indeed ! Be sure, I’ll give to you
also the results of the doppler effect. HI.
Best 73 de Andy F6CNI.

Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: LF: De F6CNI : WSPR Test using mobile on MF to
Great Andy, this is a wonderful experiment!
If you could persuade yourself to drive on a highway while transmitting,
would we be able to measure your speed using Doppler effect? Probably not
using WSPR, but surely with QRSS-60...
73, Markus (DF6NM)
-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung----- Von: Guyé
André < [email protected]> An: RSGB LF Group
< [email protected]> Verschickt: Di, 26 Mai 2015 1:47
pm Betreff: LF: De F6CNI : WSPR Test using mobile on MF to night.
Hi to all.
I’ll be testing this evening WSPR 2 and at times WSPR 15 on MF
using a short mobile antenna. My call be F6CNI/M.
Of course, I don’t drive my car, it is resting in my
- TX power 2 Watts ;
- Antenna is a 2 meters long whip ;
- Total Antenna Z = 85 -16610 j.
Using base L tuner to 50 Ohms ;
- Antenna base current = 145 mA, base
voltage = 2400 Volts RMS ;
- Average expected soil up to the
Fraunhofer zone : 0.003 S/m and 13 for dielectric ;
- Effeciency about – 43 dB. Maxi lobe
is -40,5 dBi at 22° site ;
- Apparent radiated power is about
150 micro Watt, and the E.I.R.P. is about 270 micro Watt.
Reports be appreciated.
Begining the experiment this evening at 2000 TU to next morning,
but I think the best period is around 2300 to 0200 TU.
Best 73.
Andy - F6CNI – JN19QB
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