...but remember, there have been legendary
exceptions, like this one
2013-02-16 16:44
VK1DSH 0.475078
-29 0
QF44ms 50
16832 310
73, Markus (DF6NM)
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 1:43 PM
Subject: LF: RE: Summer Solstice Test report
Personally, I have been disappointed by the amount of DX
received during darkness hours on 472kHz so far. It seems
commonplace to receive stations out to Scandinavia and Italy, but
little beyond. Yes, I have seen some transatlantic DX but nothing to
match the stories of worldwide openings reported by retired marine 500kHz
operators, or indeed what is availalable routinely on 160m. Is this just
lack of activity?
de Mike, G3XDV ============