continuing to send short "CQ"s
every three or five minutes or so. Yes I'd be interested to
know if you can pick it up...
Running your software version
WSQ2 (April 12), worked UFB right from start!
73, Markus (DF6NM)
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2014 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: LF: WSQ 137.0 kHz
Hi Markus,
On LF, 'receive-only' mode since a couple of years, but it may
be an interesting test.
I can switch the remote RX to LF, but I think the IC706 is quite
deaf on LF without the variometer..
Wolf .
Am 13.04.2014 19:59, schrieb Markus Vester:
Just trying Wolf's
latest version of WSQ above 137.0 kHz - anyone for a QSO?
Markus (DF6NM)