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LF: Listened on 472 kHz

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Listened on 472 kHz
From: Petr Maly <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 09:28:18 +0100
Importance: Normal
In-reply-to: <op.wqv3d8rrv16t3f@xn----rfameuhquf>
References: <C2FC4802CC5340E08216E5D4304F85EC@White> <[email protected]> <op.wqv3d8rrv16t3f@xn----rfameuhquf>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Hello all,

I can reasonably listen to LF/MF only in my /P QTH. After long long time I could spend almost the whole Saturday by listening on 472 kHz. The only station heard was DL2HRE, see the screenshot. I haven't heard any one else, and no QSO. I believe the conditions would allow the standard two-way CW QSOs easily. Is the current traffic on 472 kHz really that low? Are you all on WSPR? Is the activity now splitted amongst 136, 472 and 505 kHz? Should I listen after sunset instead? Is the number of countries with 472 kHz permitted for all still low?

73, Petr, OK1FIG

Attachment: dl2hre.jpg
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