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Re: LF: WSPR on LF

Subject: Re: LF: WSPR on LF
From: George Szymanski <>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 13:48:39 +0000
In-reply-to: <>
Organization: DXHams
References: <> <> <> <> <>
You never know Stefan I might get a weak trace from you overnight!

I'm too stupid to use Spec lab!
I will try the Twente receiver but my internet is so very slow it
might not work well enough.

73 de George, DU1GM

On Tue, 16 Oct 2012 15:20:29 +0200, you wrote:

>Hi George,
>There is no chance for you to display normal WSPR from me over that 
>distance in a spectrogram. Maybe you could display WSPR-32 but this is 
>still to optimistic i think. We really have to start in something like 
>QRSS-120 or DFCW-180 and then see what comes out.
>I have no idea how to set Argo for optimal displaying DFCW-180 since i 
>don't use the new version of the program. Furthermore i am very 
>convinced by using Spectrum Lab for LF/MF detection. Yes, the program is 
>much more complex but it offers some essential features! The band 
>limiting and noise blanking will reduce the QRN very significantly! The 
>improvement can vary from a few to 10 dB, depending on the kind of 
>noise.  I will try to generate a new spectrogram soon, showing this effect.
>I don't know if Argo allows noise cancelling. But if you loose say 6 dB 
>SNR, that makes a difference from invisible to O copy.
>Did you try the Twente WEB SDR link i sent you? This is also useful to 
>check if the reference signal you're using is available at present. I'm 
>daily listening to AM BCD stns for many hours a day :-)
>As said, if you like i can give you some advice how to run a DCF-plot.
>73, Stefan/DK7FC

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