This all started with WSPR , 'we'
had to introduce the the idea of ' Dial set
usb' or half the LF/MF Rx stations
where off frequency , as the mode
expected a normal ssb /tx/rx ..then
came the PIC coders and things soon got out
of hand .as we had work out offsets

. now cw operators
are using 'semi-data' and we start all over again
In normal use , Op anti-collision system ( 2.5 Hz
space) places the carrier in the lowest s/n
slot , as determined in the last 2 seconds
before the Tx is keyed , so the frequency
will change from each over ..
We are all appliance operators now .. ,
'Appliance of Science' !
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: LF: LF/MF night and weekend
Stefan is actually transmitting on 478.70
I would generally prefer exchanging real RF
frequencies rather than a "dial frequency" setting, which I find more
confusing than helpful. It would also be nice if the web reports would mention
the precise receive frequency. After all, we wanna be real radio amateurs and
not black box users (aka appliance operators ;-).
Best 73 and good luck,
Markus (DF6NM)
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: LF: LF/MF night and weekend
>I just started my TX in OP4 mode on 477 kHz dial. Will
run in until sunday evening
wouldn't it be better to choose a slightly different qrg to avoid
interfering with the carrier
of the 'RP' NDB beacon (which is BTW masking your signal
Perhaps 500Hz up or down would be fine.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2012 5:37
Subject: Re: LF: LF/MF night and
I just started my TX in OP4 mode on 477
kHz dial. Will run in until sunday evening. BTW the PA was not
damaged, it was just a under-dimensioned fuse which i used for the first tests
and forgot to replace it by its actual value. Now the transmission should work
without interruptions, i hope.
Would be interesting to have some 24
hour monitoring data of the complete saturday, so if you like to take a part
in this "study", pse run the RX during that time :-)
Tnx and 73 to
all, Stefan/DK7FC
Am 07.09.2012 14:19, schrieb Graham:
First demonstration that what go's
East , not always go's West !
Spectacular s/n levels in the Moscow area
but nothing showing
TA ?
G.., It was probably due to thunderstorms
in the US and SA. YV7MAE had to QRT due to heavy lightnings...
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