I tried a full size Horizontal dipole up at 12 metres high
for 160 metres some years back and it was NO GOOD for DX long haul
Transmitting, however it did work well on Receive
I was able to receive East coast USA stations at good
strength both on CW es SSB but they had difficulty or could not hear
me running 400 Watts to the antenna.
When I changed over to a 1/4 wave inv L with a vertical
height of 20 metres I was able to work every one that i could hear including ZL
es VK plus all the W stns as far as W6/7 es VE7
Because the dipole was so low the angle of radiation was
too high and the transmitted RF had fizzled out on long haul.
Locally it was probably ok but this was not my
I have a 25 metre mast available at present and thought
about an inv V dipole for 600 metres as an experiment but it would be so low at
this frequency and exhibit high angle radiation that it would be useless for
long haul but probably very good around EU
Apart from the fun of antenna experimentation on LF/MF the
only approach is a Vertical system, like an inv L or T to guarantee all
round results both on TX es RX but especially Transmitting.
de mal/g3kev