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Re: LF: BINGO !! Opera decode from 477 via Delft sdr

To: <>
Subject: Re: LF: BINGO !! Opera decode from 477 via Delft sdr
From: "Graham" <>
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2012 14:48:00 +0100
Importance: Normal
In-reply-to: <9BC6879BA28949A9A5292FB65ACD03BD@W1KW>
References: <0D4DC6EEC79B42328EDCDEFB0B10830B@AGB> <B1437962A3FA440698F7539F2178BE59@AGB> <9BC6879BA28949A9A5292FB65ACD03BD@W1KW>
All of these decodes are  above the  -28 dB  minimum   for ros-mf-2   data  mode ........... should  be  able to  make a   2  way  qso , If  I  can  get the  same  level  at  your  end  !
Thinking  later , may  be  using  the  same  dial-set  qrg  for  the  Ros MF mode  , would be  a  better  idea  , than  setting  to  the  top of the  band , as the  Opera  qso  mode  is   1400/1600 Hz   and  would  not interfere   with  the  beacon  decodes , MF mode is  based  on 1500 Hz  both  packages  could  be  run at the  same  time , monitoring  477  
The  ROS MF modes  2+7 baud are  also  linked to the  psk-reporting  system  and  have  beacon   facility ,  for  MF-2 ,  De G0NBD  is  all  the  text  that  is  needed , the  software  detects  the  'De'  and  reads the  call  after  it  and  will  announce the  decode  via  the  web  automated beacon  reply  is also  available  , where  the  station will  auto  reply  to a call in Opera  , no  web-time  locking  is  required .
73 -G..
00:36    500 DK8KW Op4 -23 dB
00:27    500 DK8KW Op4 -23 dB
00:14    500 DK8KW Op4 -26 dB
00:06    500 DK8KW Op4 -23 dB
00:44    500 DK8KW Op4 -20 dB
00:36    500 DK8KW Op4 -23 dB
00:27    500 DK8KW Op4 -23 dB
00:14    500 DK8KW Op4 -26 dB
00:06    500 DK8KW Op4 -23 dB

Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: LF: BINGO !! Opera decode from 477 via Delft sdr

I will look into ROS, I have a SSB exciter that works down to 100 kHz which should be able to do the trick.
Thanks, 73
Geri, DK8KW & DI2BO
----- Original Message -----
From: Graham
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: LF: BINGO !! Opera decode from 477 via Delft sdr

First  station  to  decode  off  air , at  -22 dB   that is  strong enough  to  use the  ROS-MF-2  data  mode  for  a qso !   , Opera  qso mode  needs  -20 dB min signal  level  ,
(ROS MF needs  Audio + ssb  or  SDR   tx  , but  is  MFSK  so  no need  for  a  linear PA )

18:44 500 DK8KW de DF2JP Op4 160 mi -22 dB in Duesseldorf with 0.4w + Umbrella,

18:44 500 DK8KW de G0NBD Op4 245 mi -29 dB in delft web sdr with 0.4w + Umbrella


From: Graham
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 5:12 PM
Subject: LF: BINGO !! Opera decode from 477 via Delft sdr

First decode  from  477 ,  using  web-sdr  at Delft 

73 -G.

16:07 500 DK8KW Op4 -28 dB

*********** 16/06/2012 ***********


16:07 500 DK8KW de G0NBD Op4 245 mi -28 dB in delft web sdr with 0.4w + Umbrella

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