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Re: LF: Open Sauce

Subject: Re: LF: Open Sauce
From: g3zjo <>
Date: Sun, 06 May 2012 12:32:04 +0100
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>
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Hi Alberto

Yes I deliberately posted a very clipped OT comment so as not to start a tirade. Thanks. Why do the insults have to start flying when you mention Windows and its foibles.
There is till backward compatability which constrains Windows.
I said nothing about Linux.
It does really surprise me how the younger generation accept an OS that has so many problems then argue in support of it. I hope they do not expect the same reliability from the ILS computer that brings them down in fog at the airport.
73 Eddie

On 06/05/2012 10:33, Alberto di Bene wrote:
Hmm. I do see problems all the time, slow machines,viruses, trojans,
idiosyncrasies. Why in the 21stC are we using an O/S based on DOS.
No problems with SpecLab, I bet Wolf has lots to work round. SpecLab
still does silly things due to Windows O/S.
You must be a Linux fan....   :-)   Knowing almost nothing about Windows....

The last version of Windows that was Dos based was Windows 95-98
Starting from Win NT,XP, etc. there is no more an underlying Dos layer...

And Windows 7 is even better. I have on my PC a triple boot, Win XP Pro,
64-bit Windows 7, and a special version of Debian Linux (Sidux).
Each time I boot Linux I can observe, on the very same hardware, how much
sluggish is its responsivness in the GUI, with respect to Win 7....

IMHO Linux is a great operating systems, as long as you use it for servers.
In that role it is maybe the best. But it won't ever win the desktop war...
when a window takes the double of the time to open than under Win 7, you feel
compelled to reboot with this last opsys.

Oh, BTW, I have also a laptop with only a 64-bit Win 7. This laptop does not
have a RESET  button, but I have never felt the lack of it.

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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