Hi all,
Just soms experience story's. I tried 3 PC's now to
generate a stable carrier on 8970.1 Hz.
At (A) the test started with a 10 year old
notebook PC. Width band trace as you see.
At (B) a 2 year old notebook did produce almost the same
The 3rd notebook that I test at (C) (also old one)
looks to produce stable traces in a 47 uHz window.
The green spectrum grab near (E) looks like a sharp
spike now at 8970.100 Hz.
At (D) is PA3CPM visible who was on the air
The conclusion for the time beeing is, that it depends
on luck if you have a computer that generates a table signal.
All 3 PC's where running with same Spectrum Lab settings
I think. I did test that 1th PC (A) for several day's,
but did find no sollution in the
configuration to stabilize the traces in this 47 uHz spectrum.
73's, Peter - PA1SDB