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Re: LF: Generating 8970 Hz carrier with Spectrum Lab ?

To: <>
Subject: Re: LF: Generating 8970 Hz carrier with Spectrum Lab ?
From: "PA1SDB, Peter" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 11:12:41 -0000
In-reply-to: <>
References: <FE434AB14D2442DA9517B6F7304CE6E3@AGB> <FB72BFCD7B564064B0C93A0FD2DA9448@Extensa> <> <> <> <> <92C055C51C18431AAC57B494216C5E2F@Extensa> <9EDCCC1902C640C695BF491F98858756@Extensa> <>
Tnx Stefan,
My 3rd experiment, a 10 year old notebook, ASUS PC has just (10h UTC) begun generating a trace at 8970.1 Herz. Lets see what happens in the next hours.
I will buy such soundcard as you sugest for USB port if this 3rd PC fail's to...
Peter - PA1SDB
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: LF: Generating 8970 Hz carrier with Spectrum Lab ?

Hello Peter,

Very nice! Thanks for the nice pictures. These are good to explain newcomers the advantage of using this software.
So now you have found the reason why it didn't work. It must be due to the new PCs soundcard. As suggested by others, you could try a cheep external USB soundcard on the new PC. Maybe this works better. They are available at amazon for 3 EUR or so. I'm using two of them in my grabbers here...

73, Stefan

Am 27.04.2012 11:22, schrieb PA1SDB, Peter:
Hello Stefan, VLF,
I think you are very lucky with a PC that generates such a stable signal.
>Here i used a more than 10 year old notebook. Also if people like to use the digimode
>termninal or also the frequency generator, not beeing limited to frequencies given by the
>steps of a divider, SpecLab is much more comfortable. Also on the receive side i
>remember to have received DF6NM's first tests in a 47 uHz window, with a stable trace. :-)
>73, Stefan
I tried two notebooks now. That one where I was talking about yesterday is also a 10 year old Acer. Nice to see here (grab below) how good that "Sampling rate detector" works. In the first few hours I forgot to un-set the "measure only" option.... The signal drifts all over the graph. Then it stabillizes when I did the adjustment in the cfg.
Unfortunately that 2th PC that I test here, a "modern" 2 year old Acer Extensa 5235 notebook generates also a terrible trace at 47uHz.
One more PC to go :-)
73's , Peter - PA1SDB

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