Hi Eddie the best guy to ask is Wolf :-)) However can I suggest that if you
are changing parameters on the fly...........it may depend when the
parameter values are actually read by the system. Some you might expect to
change, will probably work ok, but it is possible that some are only read
before the procesing is started. In the latter case you may need to start SL
again to get a consistent set of parameter values for it to work with. There
may be some "fall-back" position within SL from which will always
work....that may avoid you having to close it down and restart it.
This is just wild guessing but it has me out several times with other things
....like changing the switch settings on old printers and HPIB instruments.
----- Original Message -----
From: "qrss" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: LF: Spectrum Lab problem
> Hi Roger
> You have re-started, the only way I know to cure it.
> I once asked Stefan, knowing that you also know how to stop Spectrumlab
> outputting anything like me:-
> "What am I, a novice moron doing wrong which causes Spectrumlab to stop
> dead sometimes if I change any settings".
> Stephan replied, " I have no idea".
> Funny thing Roger, it doesn't happen to me so much now, and I still
> don't know why.:-)
> Eddie
> On 02/05/2011 09:40, Roger Lapthorn wrote:
> > Chris (XIZ) et al
> >
> > For some unknown reason the top half of my split screen in SL has
> > stopped outputting a signal on the waterfall. This is the bit showing
> > your frequency. If I restart it it will take an hour or so to get
> > going again. I have looked for all the options to restart this but
> > cannot see (a) why it stopped displaying just this half and (b) how to
> > restart it! If you look on my grabber you can see the effect. Any
> > clues would be welcome from SL experts.
> >
> > So, unless I miraculously get it going again soon I will have to abort
> > for today as I am off to Kent in a couple of hours time.
> >
> > 73s
> > Roger G3XBM
> >
> > --
> > http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.com/
> > http://www.g3xbm.co.uk
> > http://www.youtube.com/user/g3xbm
> > https://sites.google.com/site/sub9khz/
> >