I assume you are genrating the MSK from soundcard output,
in which case two options come to mind:
1) Double the frequency. Full wave rectify the audio
sinusoid, pass the AC part of the result into a comparator
and into the divider. Alternatively, as the signal
bandwidth is probably quite low, square up the audio to
start with, feed into one inpiut of an XOR gate. Delay the
waveform by 90 deg and feed this into the othe side of the
XOR. Output of XOR to divider as before
2) Remove the divide by two, and replace with an
inverter / buffer pair to generate the out of phase drive
signals. The input now needs to be close to a 1:1
squarwave at output frequency. Pass the soundcard audio
into a comparator and make sure it gives a 50% duty cycles.
or 3) Convince the software author the S/W needs
modifying to give a 2.F output
On 20 April 2011 21:32, Scott
<[email protected]>
Hi All
I wonder if someone can explain to me how to feed an
MSK signal into a typical Class D transmitter?
I mean by typical that the TX has a 4013 type /2
system feeding two FET drivers to drive FETs in a
push-pull configuration.
If I understand correctly due to the fact MSK does not
have amplitude component to its signal that a
non-linear transmitter can be used.
So, how do you do this with a Class-D TX as often used
in LF/VLF?