Hi Chris
Here's my trace - perhaps not quite so clear as last time. Until
15.00 the bin size was 2.8mHz and I then changed to 1.4 mHz.
Interestingly, your signal seemed to come and go after 1500 as you
can see - with nothing very clear after 1700.
73s Chris G3WCD

On 12/03/2011 18:16, Roger Lapthorn wrote:
Think I was just too late today to see you for long enough
Chris. Will check the trace later to see if there was any clear
sign of you.
Roger G3XBM
Via my 2.4GHz handheld (iPod Touch 4g)
I have just seen your E-mail and now going QRT ( at
Hopefully you have some results.
73 Chris G3XIZ
mal hamilton <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sat, 12 March, 2011 17:24:10
Re: LF: Monitoring 8.976607kHz from 1545z
If u could cut carier for 5 mins
I might have ur trace, Need ID
----- Original Message
Sent: Saturday,
March 12, 2011 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: LF:
Monitoring 8.976607kHz from 1545z
Hello Roger, LF,
I'm still transmitting and will continue until
18.00 Z when I shall QRT
73 Chris G3XIZ