Hello Stefan!OK, I did some tests with DFCW30, generated by SpectrumLAb. It worked well, but I didn�t have enough time to made ferrite antenna for DHO38 receiving. I finished with my loading coil ![Veselý oblièej Veselý oblièej]() . This will be my nearest project. When I tried DFCW, I used "K". If I do some next experiments, I will use this "K" again. I hope, the SL program will work well. If not, I will send you e-mail. Thanks!
I am looking forward to your next transmission. I would like to try some changes of my receiving antennas. Lubos, OK2BVG
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 20:27:01 +0100 From: [email protected]To: [email protected]Subject: Re: LF: OK2BVG_TX_8970
Hello Lubos,
Yes, it was. I am curious that Paul has received your signal,
unbelivable! I have had local QRM to that time i saw, maybe this is the
reason. Just try again. If you make a break for ID purposes, the break
should be about 1 hour, 5 minutes is useless, at least for those who
are watching in 424 uHz.
Currently i am doing a local test again here in 20m distance of my
grabber. It is just to see if the soundcard works well, since i had
some problems in my last experiment (phase glitches, you know). But you
see that DFCW-6000 works in SpecLab. The soundcard is locked to DHO38
now, for test purposes. Your screenshots of my last transmission have
been excellent, in all modes and on all bands. So you know how to use
the program :-)
Do you think it is possible to convince you to try a transmission in
DFCW by using SL? :-) This would be an even better ID ( a well defined
frequency shift). You may send "K" or so, or "B". Just remember OE3GHB
who send a nice "G" last weekend. There is no doubt for everyone that
this is a G in DFCW i think :-) Or one day before, "NM" by DF6NM. If
you want to try that and need some advice, just ask :-)
73, Stefan/DK7FC
Am 11.03.2011 19:53, schrieb Lubos OK2BVG:
Yes it is true. My PWR is 25W, antenna current is 300mA. But I
use fixed antenna, as you know, so the ERP is cca 30uW only (I can
expect this value thanks to Gerhard�s calculation).
Today�s test was very interesting.
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 19:16:32 +0100
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: OK2BVG_TX_8970
Hello Lubos,
Sorry, i haven't seen anything it seems. But 600 km by using 25 W at
8970 Hz would almost be a wonder :-)
Go on and good luck
73, Stefan
Am 11.03.2011 13:47, schrieb Lubos OK2BVG:
Thanks, for your receiving! My TX was on from 08:00 to
Did you detect my signal?
Lubos, OK2BVG
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 06:52:19 +0000
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: OK2BVG_TX_8970
Hi Lubos
RX is on this morning awaiting your test.
Good Luck
Eddie G3ZJO
On 10/03/2011 19:08, Lubos OK2BVG wrote:
Hello Stefan, Markus, Gerhard and all VLF enthusiasts!
I was quite busy during last days, so I am writing just now.
Well... I tested my new VLF TX set of the day 5th March. It
was the first test only and I am very pleased, you saw my signal. I
expected, it would be poorly visible on the Gerhard�s grabber only! In
fact, it was visible with S/N 10dB.
Some information:
The antenna is my MW Marconi L (24m up), but I increased top
load on the value 220m.
Generator is Wandel/Goltermann PS30, the finest tuning step
1Hz (OCXO).
PA is Seba Dynatronic 25W out.
My loading coil is made from 60l barrel, it contains two
coils 500 + 500 turns of wire 0,4CuL + rotary coil made from 5litre
I am going to take some photos and give them on my websides
the weekend. I will let you know, they are there.
My next VLF test will be tomorrow (2011-03-11):
I will start transmission on 8970 tomorrow morning at
Than I won�t be at home, so TX will transmit to
12:00UT. It is the best time for VLF TX test, becouse the noise would
be the lowest.
Thanks for your encouraging words and help!
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 18:23:59 +0100
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: VLF: OK2BVG signal in Todmorden
Wow, the next one!
Lubos, can you tell us about your station? All parameters and data
please :-)
How strong have you been visible at OE3GHB?
Welcome in the VLF TX group ;-)
73, Stefan/DK7FC
Am 09.03.2011 10:49, schrieb Markus Vester:
Dear Lubos, LF,
beneath is a posting
Paul Nicholson in the Yahoo VLF groop. His spectrum from last Saturday
morning shows three amateur signals, including yours.
Very good!
73, Markus
Re: [VLF_Group] Re:
on 8970.00
Thanks for the info Markus.
> I do not know whether that was really a transmission
> from Lubos, or a local pretest from Gerhard.
Yes, that long dash was Lubos.
OK2BVG was active that morning for a couple of hours.
I get this spectrum, (08:00-09:00, 278uHz bins)
which has a small peak at 8970Hz - 3.0mHz, bearing east.
To bring this out I found the best S/N at bearing 110 and
I synthesised a unidirectional cardioid by combining H and E fields.
Only 3.6 sigma unfortunately.
Hopefully Lubos will do further tests. He should be visible
here with 30uW at 1423km if the tx frequency is stable enough.
Paul Nicholson
Re: [VLF_Group]
DF6NM on 8970.00
Thanks for the info Markus.
> I do not know whether that was really a transmission
> from Lubos, or a local pretest from Gerhard.
Yes, that long dash was Lubos.
OK2BVG was active that morning for a couple of hours.
I get this spectrum, (08:00-09:00, 278uHz bins)
which has a small peak at 8970Hz - 3.0mHz, bearing east.
To bring this out I found the best S/N at bearing 110 and
I synthesised a unidirectional cardioid by combining H and E fields.
Only 3.6 sigma unfortunately.
Hopefully Lubos will do further tests. He should be visible
here with 30uW at 1423km if the tx frequency is stable enough.
Paul Nicholson