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Re: VLF: OK2BVG signal in Todmorden

Subject: Re: VLF: OK2BVG signal in Todmorden
From: Stefan Schäfer <>
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2011 18:23:59 +0100
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; de; rv: Gecko/20100227 Thunderbird/3.0.3
Wow, the next one!
Lubos, can you tell us about your station? All parameters and data please :-)
How strong have you been visible at OE3GHB?

Welcome in the VLF TX group ;-)

73, Stefan/DK7FC

Am 09.03.2011 10:49, schrieb Markus Vester:
Dear Lubos, LF,
beneath is a posting from Paul Nicholson in the Yahoo VLF groop. His spectrum from last Saturday morning shows three amateur signals, including yours.
Very good!
73, Markus
Re: [VLF_Group] Re: DF6NM on 8970.00
Tue Mar 8, 2011 11:54 pm

Thanks for the info Markus.

> I do not know whether that was really a transmission
> from Lubos, or a local pretest from Gerhard.

Yes, that long dash was Lubos.
OK2BVG was active that morning for a couple of hours.

I get this spectrum, (08:00-09:00, 278uHz bins)

which has a small peak at 8970Hz - 3.0mHz, bearing east.

To bring this out I found the best S/N at bearing 110 and
I synthesised a unidirectional cardioid by combining H and E fields.

Only 3.6 sigma unfortunately.

Hopefully Lubos will do further tests. He should be visible
here with 30uW at 1423km if the tx frequency is stable enough.
Paul Nicholson

Re: [VLF_Group] Re: DF6NM on 8970.00

Thanks for the info Markus.

> I do not know whether that was really a transmission
> from Lubos, or a local pretest from Gerhard.

Yes, that long dash was Lubos.
OK2BVG was active that morning for a couple of hours.

I get this spectrum, (08:00-09:00, 278uHz bins)

which has a small peak at 8970Hz - 3.0mHz, bearing east.

To bring this out I found the best S/N at bearing 110 and
I synthesised a unidirectional cardioid by combining H and E fields.

Only 3.6 sigma unfortunately.

Hopefully Lubos will do further tests. He should be visible
here with 30uW at 1423km if the tx frequency is stable enough.
Paul Nicholson

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