HELP, please HELP.....
This is the spam rejection routine installed in the mail client of some Mal
Hamilton, who refers to himself also as G3KEV.
I am suffering from a profound disease of dyslexia... I need an urgent and
competent medical help.
I continue to read fake messages that apparently are originated by myself, but
they aren't. Or at least I hope they aren't.
Because if really I am the originator of those childish, mal-formed messages,
then the situation is even worse, and I should
immediately be confined into a lunatic asylum. But let's hope I am innocent,
as I strongly believe that those messages are
just the manifestation of an impending Alzheimer disease, also called senile
dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT), of the
owner of this email address.
Please help, if you can...
<<< An anti-spam program on the verge of suicide...>>>