Andy Talbot pisze:
A warning to anyone contemplating making power amps - especially class
E types.
Don't even think about using the small high voltage ceramic caps
availalble at low cost from the suppliers - and sold as "suitable for
SMPSUs etc" in resonant circuits
They are appalling, terrible, revolting things. You only have to
breath on them and they change their value.wildly
Hi Andy, LF Group
Although this subject seems to be finished in some way i will shortly
come back to this issue only because i want to tell you ( and others,
possibly interested)
that i have some number of mica caps (see attached
photo=sorry-for-the-quality=made by my mobile phone)
they are all rated at 250 Volts +/- 10% with following capacities:
47nF, 33nF, 22nF, 10nF, 8.2nF, 7.5nF, 6.8nF
the total number of those mica caps is big enough for several PA's with
some series combinations in order to increase the V rating so if you , Andy
or anybody else needs them - no problem - they will go for free so,
possibly , i will get a chance to hear more lf/mf stations... :)
73, Piotr, sq7mpj
qth: Lodz /jo91rs/
