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Re: LF: 8.97kHz antennas

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: 8.97kHz antennas
From: "Mike.WE0H" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 21:24:03 -0500
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
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Hi Alan,

Some would complain that is isn't radio but current carrier communications. Either way if it works, I say go for it...hi hi...

I'm waiting to see the day those guys cross the pond on the 8kc band. Wouldn't that be something cool...It would be good to get some North American stations going on the band to see if the band does open for DX at the power levels the guys are experimenting with. Could you imagine a audio tube amp pumping out a kilowatt or two? hi hi...


Hi Mike Yeah, but coupling to 1000 miles of power distribution system would

be regarded a cheating by some.......and not really repeatable :-))

Alan G3NYK

--- On Tue, 16/3/10, Mike.WE0H wrote:

Maybe those cables & pipes would
radiate some of the signal? Whatever is used to make the
signal go far away is fine. It just might be worth a try to
see if the ground loop works in the city. Just like you guys
figured out how to make a LF antenna radiate good enough
with your tiny backyards, this VLF antenna might work good
enough with all the cables, pipes & buildings in the
city. Out in the country in the open is always best but to
figure out how a city dweller can get out on the VLF band
with an antenna in his backyard, this could get more guys on
the air. Any antenna is better than no antenna, we have all
heard that phrase before.


Roger L wrote:
Thanks Alan.

Yes I can understand that poor ground conductivity
would result in a larger loop within the ground and that
with high conductivity the loop would be very small. With
regard to piping and cables, I'm thinking that any such
tests would have to be done well away from buildings and
property ideally in the middle of a large field out in the
country or on a stretch of moorland perhaps well away from
cables and pipes. In an urban area cables and pipes are
everywhere and anything could be happening.
Roger G3XBM

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