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Re: LF: Beacon 136320.5

Subject: Re: LF: Beacon 136320.5
From: Brian Rogerson <>
Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2008 07:11:19 +0000
In-reply-to: <FBCMCL01B06lmY1J5Ye0014208c@FBCMCL01B06.fbc.local>
References: <> <>
Thank you Marco.  I hope to be driving around the countryside today and tomorrow
provided the weather obliges.  I will publish the value as soon as I have something
concrete.  I've made many mistakes so far!
73, Brian CT1DRP

At 20:38 07/11/2008, you wrote:
At 17.17 07/11/2008, you wrote:
Hello LF,

CT1DRP will be transmitting on 136320.5Hz using DFCW10 with 0.2 shift.

I am hoping to survey the field strength to confirm the ERP.

If the frequency is interfering with anything ongoing please let me know and it will be
adjusted accordingly.

The web site grabbers are disconnected.

73, Brian CT1DRP

Brian, what is your ERP?
DFCW10 is a little fast, weak but visible in 60mHz resolution.
Vertical antenna, untuned, 6m, Perseus RX.

Marco IK1ODO / AI4YF - loc JN35sa

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