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To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: WD2XES WOLF
From: Hartmut Wolff <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2008 14:32:28 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
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Sender: [email protected]
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081105)

John Andrews wrote:
WD2XES will be running WOLF (10) tonight on 137.441 kHz. Can't start until 0100 UTC, though, but will leave it running until 1000 UTC for those to the west.

The below was decoded from a 400kHz (135-535 kHz) wide Perseus SDR overnight recoding. Using for playback the Perseus SDR software and Virtual Audio Cable.

Locator: JO52hp

01:30 UTC:
t:  24 f:-0.385 a:-1.0 dp: 93.5 ci: 4 cj:203 JN ??? GOMQPXRT ?
t:  48 f: 0.758 a:-0.5 dp: 91.9 ci: 4 cj:203 SP9DSVHUVSM3FPH ?
t:  96 f: 0.651 a: 0.0 dp: 92.4 ci: 3 cj:229 RQB01Z.*O6 .SWZ ?
t: 192 f: 0.352 pm:30.78 jm:750 q:-13.6 -9.1 QK*LWWJ4Z6V37 Q ?
t: 288 f: 0.352 pm:32.98 jm:750 q:-12.8 -8.3 A1WM1V*WLPIUR0N ?
t: 384 f:-0.254 pm:45.80 jm:784 q: -7.9 -7.8 9 TH48E9SPHOCWX ?
t: 480 f:-0.254 pm:58.55 jm:784 q: -6.1 -7.8 0L8 1G149M17 GM ?
t: 576 f:-0.254 pm:63.02 jm:784 q: -5.5 -7.7 *CW20.5Y/Q0PCI* ?
t: 672 f:-0.254 pm:68.17 jm:784 q: -5.2 -7.5 RJLF7K.G8WBMWB4 ?
t: 768 f:-0.254 pm:71.11 jm:785 q: -4.7 -8.5 49 JXBB02OKU0Z6 ?
t: 864 f:-0.254 pm:86.74 jm:785 q: -4.2 -5.8 WD2XES 137.441K -
t: 960 f:-0.254 pm:98.55 jm:784 q: -3.2 -4.7 WD2XES 137.441K -
t:1056 f:-0.254 pm:123.9 jm:784 q: -2.4 -3.6 WD2XES 137.441K -
t:1152 f:-0.254 pm:136.1 jm:784 q: -1.8 -2.2 WD2XES 137.441K -
t:1248 f:-0.254 pm:163.6 jm:784 q: -0.9 -1.6 WD2XES 137.441K -
t:1344 f:-0.254 pm:194.4 jm:784 q: -0.2 -0.9 WD2XES 137.441K -
t:1440 f:-0.254 pm:219.9 jm:784 q:  0.4 -0.3 WD2XES 137.441K -
t:1536 f:-0.254 pm:254.3 jm:784 q:  0.7  0.5 WD2XES 137.441K -
t:1632 f:-0.254 pm:260.3 jm:784 q:  1.3  1.2 WD2XES 137.441K -

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