Hello List,
Johan, thanks for the excellent suggestion of the Utvarp Foroya website
comments page!
I sent a message this evening and have just received a reply :-
Dear John
Thank's for your mail regarding the overmoudlation of the 531 kHz TX at
As you proburly know the AM TX at Akraberg has been off air fore some
months. The reason was that the old ABB 200KW transmitter did brake
down, with a majur failiuar on the modulation section, and it was to
expencive to repear it. And when the transmitter allso was rather
un-efficient, a decition was taken to order a new one.
The new configuration will be one 100KW main TX + 50KW back up TX. Both
from Harris. Medio of Agust the back up TX was put on ari temporarly,
untill the poject to install the main TX is done.
The Faroese Telecom company is the contractor on this project, and they
allso run's the AM TX site. I have therfore forwarded your mail to
them, and asked them to take care of that the modulation are within the
standard ITU rouls.
Best Regards
Kringvarp Føroya
The Faroese Broadcasting Corp.
Hans Andor Johannesen
Head of Technology
ps. as you see, I have send a copy to the Head of Radio dep. at Faroese
A step in the right direction, let's see how things go, but it's
looking hopeful.
Best regards,
John Gm4SLV