yes that metheod works well clear of city areas and clear of ac ground
currents...our ozie mates a vk7 used that to recieve kiwi lf sigs on 181.4
khz cw freguency nz..normal real time cw .He was located portable up on Mt
wellington tasmania ozie..several thousand feet of wire grounded one end and
fed other..he sent video and sound tapes of our sigs...IT works as a
magnetic loop..very effective .LF has gone quiet in zl..many of the old
timers with lf permits have died or in rest homes..but some old kiwi buggers
like me keep pressing on...bye george zl3pn timaru time to sit and look
at aoraki-mt cook and remember our sir ed..hes our memories.. kia-ora
----- Original Message -----
From: "J. B. Weazle McCreath" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 3:52 AM
Subject: LF: Fenceline longwire
Hello LFers & Lowfers,
I've been testing a 1200 foot end fed longwire mounted on
an existing fence-line and coupled to the receiver with a
3:1 turns ratio isolation transformer. The antenna is 3
feet off the ground, with the far end left un-terminated.
The "ground" for the cold end of the antenna winding is
a stainless steel screwnail driven into the trunk of a
cedar tree at ground level.
The antenna is aligned 50/230 degrees true, which from my
QTH favours Europe/UK off the front and the mid-west U.S.
off the back. Listening to ATC frequencies from Gander
and Shanwick in the 2500 to 3000 kHz. range, the longwire
is several S units stronger and MUCH quieter than my 80 M
inverted V.
On 500 kHz. I've been able to copy the XGR transmissions
with better signal strength than off my PA0RDT mini-whip
or untuned delta loop. The same holds true for listening
around the broadcast LW & MW bands or NDB chasing.
The greatest advantage is that signals are well above the
noise on the longwire.
Thinking outside the box can sometimes yield a surprising
result, if that's the only option you've got!
73, J.B., VE3EAR - VE3WZL
Solar and wind powered
Lowfer " EAR" 188.830