> I should be available from 11pm BST. Dust off the key! See you on the
> band.
Oh well, at least I tried ;-)
Called CQ for about 40 minutes on 502.5 from 21:40 to 22:20 UTC. No
takers so I'm afraid it's beacon mode for the night.
I'm really amazed at getting reports from OH/F/OK/EA and LA - there are
lots of people out there in other countries desperate to hear some CW
on 500 and unable to get permission to operate from their own
governments. Finland ans Sweden recently turned down attempts to get
amateur access for instance.
So if not at the key trying to work some UK stations lets give others
a chance to optimise their own receive setups and hear some CW.
It's not even unattended operation, I sleep in the shack ;-)
Well I would if the XYL knew about the new IC-718 I haven't just
bought, "no dear, that's been hear for years, I'm sure you've seen it