Thanks Alan for the suggestion.
Well while tuning the variometer everything seemed working as it should be.
The SWR nice dropped to zero, while the antennacurrent raised.
With help of a separate receiver I was able to figure out that I was
certainly not tuning on a harmonic.
So, there really might be some extra capacitance produced by the
coilwindings etc.
About the antenna current, one reason might be an insufficient earth, as I
just connected the ground tap
to a groundrod with 5m wire to my groundrod 'somewhere' in the garden.
I built up the transmitter again, but now connected to a 50Ohm dummyload,
instead of the coil antenna etc.
Used exact the same coaxial cables.
SWR/PWR meter shows same value as with the loading coil/antenna connected,
and also DC input power
seems the same.
So, that gives me reason to believe it's ok.
Question however is the exact amount of power, hi.
I am measuring 140 Volt top-top on a oscilloscope parallel with the 50 Ohm
dummy load. (at the dummy load)
DC input is 13.0V/7.5A (that's 97.5W DC input)
For some reason I can't figure out the right formula to calculate the power
into the dummy load.
I get wrong figures al the time.
I'm more a practical man, hi
Dick, PA4VHF
my testfrequency as always is around 136.1kHz from an X-tal