Dear LF enthusiasts,
TNX by all for the reports, advice and efforts!
I haven't any positive report, but the question abt HF2LF has remained
open - I have made some mistakes ;-(
I believe, that the negative result is too result ;-)
Used eq:
TXs - Icom-775 & Kenwood TS-850 - abt 100W output - not optional TXCOs
20m ant - 3el beam & 6el quads
80m ant - bi-square quad @90m
160m ant - 1/2 sloper @80m
Difficulties under HF_MF2LF #1 :
- unsufficient freq's stability TXs at 100W output under QRSS30
(at 5/10W outputs it is not observed)
- not exact TX freq's installation
(RX calibration on 5, 10, 15MHz BCs in ARGO with Offset correction, but
without this +/- parts on TXs. + temperature instability of TXs)
- I see basically 3 carriers abt 873KHz: +2.5, +3.2 and -1.8 Hz
(has chosen 873.002,5 as loudest in my QTH)
Is supposed for HF_MF2LF #2 :
- sufficient TXs freq's stability in QRSS30
- correct TXs freq's installation
- abt 1KW outputs for my local TXs (TX 5/10W + PA)
- more quantity RX stations
- to use same RX freq abt 136.319 kHz in any parts
- to use for 2-nd order ICM also 1810+1946.319 (1/2 sloper + 1el quad)
Abt HF_MF2LF #2 date and parts I'll inform beforehand, but I believe
Saturday approaches for this purpose (??)
Pse infom me abt exact freqs of BC stations on 873 KHz audible
in your QTH
Any advice and help is welcomed!
In an attached map the diagrams of my ants, RXs and broadcasting
stations (BC) on freq abt 873kHz are shown (not high resolution)
My full report with pics on
but only in russian - sri
At the end of the my web report the interesting info abt theory HF2LF from
a radiotechical lists Hz and LF_DW (in russian - is very much difficult for
translation for me ;-(
Especial TNX for Alex RA9MB (may be part of his ideas in engl was in archive
of VLF_Group from abt Sep 2002 ? Pse URL if you know
73! Ed RU6LA [email protected]
P.S. The very attractive idea (not big LF ant and 136 TX - only HF) does
not work in HF2LF ;-) and ;-(
...but idea to find out ICM HF_MF2LF by the HAMs still lives and probably
only LF enthusiasts can carry out it 