Mike, here was a good condx. On my 4 feet loop I received DCF39 55-60 db
signal/noise in 100 Hz bandwidth.
Sorry, but not had long time cheek RN6BN and YU7AR signals. Hope, today I
will spend more time for a reception.
May be I must change a QRG especially for QRSS20? May be 137770 ? Any
suggestions welcome.
Vlad. RX3QFM.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Dennison" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 11:41 AM
Subject: LF: Re: 2-nd probe
> Agane fortune not stay with our LF experiment. Unstable insulator at
> end of antenna damage one of our pair FETS in amplifier. I QRV QRSS20
> 137710 at 20UT only with driver power 7 Watts output. Antenna current
> 300mA only.
> 73! Vlad. RX3QFM.
I monitored with Argo set to 20s dots at 2000UTC, but nothing seen here.
There was bad QRN from a storm that had been overhead an hour earlier.
Also some QRM from three other stations using QRSS3 within 3Hz of your
frequency, one exactly on your frequency..
Better luck next time.
Mike, G3XDV