----- Original Message -----
From: "Vladimir Shuplyakov" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 9:06 AM
Subject: LF: Re: Re: 2-nd probe
Mike, here was a good condx. On my 4 feet loop I received DCF39 55-60 db
signal/noise in 100 Hz bandwidth.
Sorry, but not had long time cheek RN6BN and YU7AR signals. Hope, today I
will spend more time for a reception.
May be I must change a QRG especially for QRSS20? May be 137770 ? Any
suggestions welcome.
Vlad. RX3QFM.
Hi Vlad
Look out for my signal around 137.7 khz G3KEV normally on QRS3 on this freq
or normal CW around 136.8 khz +/-
I will also look for your signal on 137.75 khz
73 de Mal/G3KEV
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Dennison" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 11:41 AM
Subject: LF: Re: 2-nd probe
> > Agane fortune not stay with our LF experiment. Unstable insulator
> the
> > end of antenna damage one of our pair FETS in amplifier. I QRV QRSS20
> beacon
> > 137710 at 20UT only with driver power 7 Watts output. Antenna current
> > 300mA only.
> > 73! Vlad. RX3QFM.
> I monitored with Argo set to 20s dots at 2000UTC, but nothing seen here.
> There was bad QRN from a storm that had been overhead an hour earlier.
> Also some QRM from three other stations using QRSS3 within 3Hz of your
> frequency, one exactly on your frequency..
> Better luck next time.
> Mike, G3XDV
> http://www.lf.thersgb.net
> ====================